Things That Can’t Be Broken, a novel-in-progress by Shannon W Haynes
Nine-year-old Dani makes a fervent promise that there will always be horses in her life, so when she finds out her next-door neighbor won a scholarship to an exclusive horsemanship program, she vows to win one too. She never gets the chance—but her short life has a lasting effect on a community.
I’ve decided to record myself reading for those of you who enjoy audio books.
Welcome to the podcast version of this live draft of the novel, Things That Can’t Be Broken.
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I’m a little nervous, just like I was when I first started publishing weekly chapters for you to read. I am not a trained voice-actor. Heck, I’m not any kind of trained actor/actress, but it’s worth it to me to read my chapters aloud if it makes it easier to share them with you. I’m afraid I will not do justice to my characters who have accents, but I’m not going to let that stop me, and my hope is, it won’t stop you from enjoying a listen.
My fingers are crossed this is working now.
I plan to add chapters as often as I can squeeze in quiet time to record them. They will be added to the previously posted chapters which you can always access from START READING HERE. I expect I’ll soon catch up to the written versions.
Special thanks to my son-in-law, Tyler Darlington, for helping me set up the recordings. And to Simon K Jones, for the encouragement and how-to tips.
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